You being on this page means your want to make a difference. And your are not alone, there are many more of you who want to help make a difference.
What can we do ?
Your simple but continuous efforts would help make a difference.
What kind of Efforts ?
Simple, There are various authorities and officials with certain responsibilities. If they do their work honestly and religiously the citizens will have a better way of living. You just have to keep reminding and giving feedback to the concern authorities.
But still, what exactly should i do ?
Authorities have their websites, contact numbers, and feedback pages on the internet, which is publicly available. You just have to actively start using it.
eg., Many a times you or your family member would have been harassed or over-charged by a Rickshaw driver in Navi Mumbai, but you never complained to the authority so the harassment continues.. but if you post your complaint on the authorities website, it would be registered and authorities would be forced to take action. And this process of registering an online complain takes 2 mins only.
Now imagine tens and hundred of people complaining to the authorities daily, this
There are many authorities who really want to help us help them, its we who are missing to do our bit... So Lets pledge to begin from today.
Thats a good idea, but will it work ?
Yes, surely it will. Remember you are not alone.
How would the Navi Mumbai People's Pressure Group blog help ?
This is blog is intended to provide information to all and provide a forum for the people to discuss their issues.
We request more people to join us by subscribing to this blog. One can subscribe by a valid email id or via a RSS feed reader. These readers will get updates as and when new articles are posted on this blog. In some of the article there would be a mention "NMPPG Action Request :" here we would be requesting our readers to action on an event. eg: Feedback on the NMMT AC bus service.
Whats is the current readers count of NMPPG blog ?
Well, we currently have